Revocation of American Independence

Revocation of American Independence

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Revocation of American Independence

   Buckingham Palace
London, England  3EB007
15th of November 2000.



To the Citizens of the United States of America,

Following your failure during the November 2000 Bush/Gore race to elect a candidate as President of the United States of America to govern yourselves and, for allowing lawyers and your news media to take control of your electoral process, The United Kingdom of Great Britain hereby give notice of the Revocation of American Independence.

Her Sovereign Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II hereby proclaims that, effective immediately, The Queen Mother shall resume a monarch's duties over all states, commonwealths and other territories of the former United States of America, herenafter referred to as The American Colonies.

To aid in the transition of Her Majesty's Colonies to a British Crown Dependency, please comply with the following instructions:

  1. Look up "revoke" in a dictionary
  2. Learn at least the first 4 lines of "God save the Queen"
  3. Learn to spell such words as "colour" and "humour" correctly
  4. Start referring to "soccer" as football
  5. Declare war on Quebec

Tax collectors from Her Majesty's Government will set sail to The Colonies within the week to collect all back tax revenues, including The Crown's tax on tea, retroactive to 1776.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Revocation of American Independence



- God Save the Queen - Please Recycle - God Save the Queen - Please Recycle - God Save the Queen -

 Revocation of American Independence 

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